Understand what a script is. The script, or screenplay, outlines all of the elements (audio, visual, behavior, and dialogue) that are required to tell a story through movies or TV. A script is almost never the work of a single person. Instead, it will go through revisions and rewrites, and ultimately will be interpreted by the producers, directors, and actors. Writing the Script Outline your story. Begin with a basic flow of your narrative. Focus on the conflict of the story; conflict drives drama. Keep length in mind. When in script format, each page is roughly one minute of screen time. The average length of a two-hour script is 120 pages. Dramas should be around the 2-hour mark, comedies should be shorter, around one and a half hours. Write your story in three acts. The pillars of a screenplay are the Three Acts. Each act can operate independently, and when taken together provide the full arc of a story. Act One: This is the set-u...